21 juin 2019
S’inscrire au Vretta Buzz
Seneca’s nearly decade-long partnership with Vretta is bearing further fruit. The award-winning education technology company based in Toronto has made a financial contribution to Seneca’s on-campus incubator HELIX.
HELIX tackles real world problems by instilling an entrepreneurial spirit in students and encouraging a creative approach to developing ideas. It does this by providing training in data analytics, design-thinking and financial literacy.
“These funds will be used to provide no cost, cross-disciplinary entrepreneurial supports to our students. It will allow them to either develop and launch successful, scalable and sustainable ventures, or provide the tools to allow students to become intrapreneurs and innovate from within the company,” said Chris Dudley, Director of Entrepreneurship at HELIX, about Vretta’s contribution.
To be successful in their chosen paths, students need a strong educational foundation and also the practical know-how to apply the skills in a work environment. Seneca provides both, through partnerships with industry leaders like Vretta that want to get involved, influence change and contribute to student success.
Vretta’s online tech solutions transform learning by helping students visualize, conceptualize and engage with mathematics. Seneca was the first postsecondary institution to pilot the Vretta software with our students and has been a trusted partner for about a decade.
Anand Karat, President of Vretta, is a member of the School of Marketing Program Advisory Committee, which ensures programs are current and relevant to industry, business and society. Karat has also contributed to student financial aid and his company has hired many Seneca graduates.
By collaborating with industry and creating a supportive ecosystem, we are shaping a new way of work-integrated learning, so Seneca students are fully prepared to succeed in an evolving world of work.
To learn more about how you can support Seneca students, contact advancement@senecacollege.ca.